Charlotte Liedes
5 Jun 2022
We are proud to represent as allies and to present our first edition of our news-letter. It is important to us that all of our colleagues and employees feel safe working with us. Happy Pride - month to everyone!
Without gay pride events, it is very likely that anyone in the LGBTQ+ community would continue to be
oppressed by government and society even today. Prior to the push for the liberation of gay rights, all
lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender people were discriminated against and disregarded by the rest
of the world. The influence of LGBTQ+ activism has grown and within the past ten years , there has been significant legal progress worldwide. Changes have taken affect very gradually, how-ever, in the United States, there are finally federal laws that protect and prohibit employment discrimination
against gay and transgender employees. Meanwhile in the UK, the Equality Act 2010 gave LGBT employees protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation at work.
None should be discriminated against at work. There are still places where employees feel pressured to keep their identities secret to avoid facing consequences at work.
The history of gay pride originates from the initial protests that took place in New York City. The catalyst for these protests was the response to a police raid of the Stonewall Inn found in Greenwich Village
on June 28, 1969. Each subsequent Pride march or event is dedicated to celebrating those that
retaliated against the police in pursuit of gay rights, in what was know as the Stonewall riots.
1. Virtual Parade
You can always join parades virtually, even the San Francisco one! Just find a friendly streamer through any social media, Instagram, YouTube, twitch, choice is yours.
2. Decorate the office
The simple act of hanging rainbow flags and banners will not only celebrate Pride month, but it will also act to increase employee morale.
3. Recognition
Tune in for the change of logo in theme of the months as well as optional use of our pride logo in your email signature.
4. Donate
One of the most meaningful and actionable things a company can do to mark Pride is to make a company donation to an LGBTQ+ charity.
5. Pride Playlist
Consider compiling a list of music by allies or queer artists, or songs that speak to the LGBQT+
6. Support an LGBTQ+ business
One way to support the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month is to patronize queer-run businesses. For instance, you can order food from a queer-owned bakery or restaurant, or book a queer artists. This gesture empowers queer entrepreneurs by Investing directly in their small businesses, plus introduces staff to new LGBTQ+ companies to support.
7. Watch Party
There are several excellent films and tv shows that spotlight and celebrate the queer experience.
Watching suggestions:
Pose Will and Grace
Queer Eye A Secret Love
Imagine Me and You Kinky Boots
Moonlight The Lost Boys
Download the June News letter below: